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Benefits that indoor house plants provide

Benefits that indoor house plants provide

You don’t have to be an environmental psychologist to understand that plants look attractive. But dig a little deeper beneath their beauty and you’ll discover that the benefits that indoor house plants provide landscaping go far beyond the aesthetic. Recent research tells us that interior plants are good for buildings and people in a variety of subtle ways. Interior landscaping plays a vital role in providing a pleasant and tranquil environment in which to move, work or relax. As humans spend more of their lives in front of screens, scientists have devoted more attention to the effects these artificial environments have on the mind. Sometimes, this new study suggests, it may be possible to reap benefits with simple changes in decorating strategy.

Plants help reduce stress and create a feeling of well-being

Most of us know instinctively that being close to greenery makes us feel more at ease with our surroundings. We experience less stress when there are plants around us. Buildings are quieter and more relaxed but, at the same time, more stimulating and interesting. A substantial body of academic research, has shown conclusively that interior landscaping has dramatic effects on the wellbeing of building occupants.

People in offices are more productive, take fewer sick days, make fewer mistakes. And they are happier when interior landscaping enhances their environment. Patients in hospitals benefit greatly from being more in touch with nature. There is even evidence showing students perform better in improved learning environments. If you are a smoker or live with one, a plant may help you remove the airborne chemicals from cigarettes.

In particular, the Peace Lily is a good choice for this health benefit Make your workplace a happier, more productive environment. Filling your home with plants can decrease or eliminate headaches. You’re much less likely to be breathing the kind of stuffy, stale air that contributes to headaches. Caring for a living thing can help when you’re depressed and lonely, giving you a purpose in life. People with plants in their homes have less stress, and plants have been known to contribute to lower blood pressure. Instead of buying a humidifier machine to soften the air, just bring in a plant or two.

Plants help improve air quality

Raising plants indoors is a home-healthy move because of their ability to clean the air of carbon dioxide, but their benefits don’t stop there. According to several studies, the average houseplant can remove formaldehyde, benzene, and a host of other toxins that plague typical indoor air. Increasing humidity, Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide, Reducing airborne dust level, Keeping air temperatures down

Because plants have large surface areas and exchange gases and water with their surroundings, plants can help tackle some of these issues.

Plant leaves and roots are utilized in removing trace levels of toxic vapors from inside tightly sealed buildings. Low levels of chemicals such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde can be removed from indoor environments by plant leaves alone.

For maximum benefit, multiple species of houseplants would likely be needed on a site to remove the relevant toxicants in a particular space, given that houseplants vary in the types of chemicals they are able to remove from the environment and the efficiency 


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